The cost of procedures which is between 12 and 14% higher this year. We are seeing costs for prior approvals/surgical claims coming in significantly higher than ever before, for example spinal claims up to $150,000; cardiac claims ranging from $80,000 to $120,000 and cancer claims with significant increases, up to $200,000.
Utilisation which is reflected in the number and dollar amount of claims. In the past 12 months we have processed 45% more claims and paid out 26% more in claims.
Increases in costs and utilisation are occurring across the health insurance industry and are resulting in increases across the sector.
Yes. Wehave a rangeofoptionsthatwecandiscusswithyoutohelpmanageyourpremiums. TodiscussyourHealthPlan, pleasegetintouchwith one ofourteamon 0800 600 666.
As a not-for-profit organisation UniMed’s focus is on people not profit. We aim to help Members access the health and wellbeing services they need while keeping premiums as affordable as possible.Over the last year, we have absorbed increasing costs. Unfortunately, we are now at the point where we have to pass on some of these costs in order to ensure our sustainability to continue to pay claims and support Members into the future.
As a not-for-profit organisation UniMed has always taken the approach of encouraging Members to claim when they need to rather than penalising those that claim by imposing a higher premium. It is important that Members don't put off claiming when they have a medical condition as this may make the situation worse.